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Psychological Services

Counselling and Therapy

Octopus Psychology brings together the very best in traditional counselling and therapy practice, with some cutting-edge technology – all under one roof.

From our headquarters in the beautiful Northamptonshire town of Oundle, highly skilled and experienced clinical psychologists and psychotherapists provide traditional psychological counselling and therapy, in person or online, for those seeking help with their sense of well-being.

In peaceful, calm, discreet surroundings, with expert care, you are invited to explore the challenges you face and find the inner peace you seek.

Find your inner peace – whatever the challenges you face

Dr Naomi Murphy
Lead practitioner, clinical and forensic psychologist, Dr Naomi Murphy explains:

‘It’s not easy to reach out for help and it can be hard to know if you need talking therapy or what kind of approach or therapist you might find most useful. Like others I work with, you might find it hard to trust in people and open up. You may be good at hiding your hurt and pain? Maybe you’re worried you’re making a big deal over things that you should have moved on from by now?

Perhaps you’re ashamed that these things happened in the first place or feel embarrassed that they still bother you? It might feel wrong to feel sad when some things in your life are going well and others have it so much harder? Maybe you don’t really want therapy at all but a loved one has said it’s something you “must” do?

These are all really normal worries for anyone starting therapy. With 25 years’ experience of offering psychological therapy, no matter how big or small your problem is, I’ve probably worked with someone trying to overcome a similar situation. Even if you don’t believe it right now, you deserve to feel happy and contented with life and I can help you achieve this”.

Complimentary on-line session

Therapy is a journey and you want to know you’re in safe hands. So you can be sure it’s right for you, I offer a complimentary 30-minute face to face or zoom consultation which will allow you to ask questions about what therapy involves and allow me to think about what kind of therapy might best match your needs.

I have been qualified as a clinical and forensic psychologist for over 25 years and spent over two decades working in the NHS. I’ve specialised in working with people to help them heal from trauma. I am an accredited sensorimotor psychotherapist but have extensive training in other approaches so will draw on each of these depending on your needs.

To make an in-person or online appointment, contact us.